Seamless tissue paper texture

Seamless tissue paper texture
Seamless tissue paper texture

Seamless tissue paper texture tiling demo
Seamless tissue paper texture tiling demo

Seamless tissue paper texture 100%
Close macro texture of tissue paper. Three images show the overall texture, a tiling demo of how it can be tiled seamlessly, and a 100% view to show the true resolution of the texture. Resolution is 3000 x 3000.

Available in download pack.

Seamless multi coloured carpet fabric texture

Seamless multi coloured carpet fabric texture

Seamless multi coloured carpet fabric texture tiling demo

Seamless multi coloured carpet fabric texture 100%

This carpet texture is probably the sharpest texture I have taken in 9 years. I'm not sure why but conditions when I took the photograph must have been perfect. It's so sharp I included the 100% view just so you can see for yourself. It's bitingly sharp corner to corner and is completely seamless.

Resolution is 3000 x 3000.

Seamless beige carpet texture

Seamless beige carpet texture
Seamless beige carpet texture
Seamless beige carpet texture tiling demo
Seamless beige carpet texture tiling demo

Beige carpet, seamless texture at 3000 x 3000 pixel resolution. Viewed at 100% there is insane detail in the carpet fibres.

Available in download pack.

Seamless recycled paper pad texture

Seamless recycled paper pad texture
Seamless recycled paper pad texture
Seamless recycled paper pad texture tiling demo
Seamless recycled paper pad texture tiling demo

Very detailed seamless texture of a recycled paper pad (the hard cardboard that sits at the back of a paper pad). Resolution is 3000 x 3000.

Available in download pack.

Seamless cream stucco wall plaster texture

Seamless cream stucco wall plaster texture
Seamless cream stucco wall plaster texture
Seamless cream stucco wall plaster texture tiling demo
Seamless cream stucco wall plaster texture tiling demo

A large 3000 x 3000 pixel wide seamless texture of a cream stucco wall plaster. I made this from a photograph I took of this wall on a sunny day out. It tiles perfectly with no seams.

Available in download pack.

Seamless flat plywood texture

Seamless flat plywood texture
Seamless flat plywood texture
Seamless flat plywood texture tile demo
Seamless flat plywood texture tile demo

It's been a while since I've made a seamless texture from one of my texture photographs.  This here is a massive 3000 x 3000 seamless texture of a perfectly flat plywood board surface. The second image showing a tiling demo.

Available in download pack.

Wood fence texture light brown

Wood fence texture light brown
Wood fence texture light brown
Wood fence texture light brown at 100%
Wood fence texture light brown at 100%

I captured this in bright sunlight whilst doing a texture walkabout. Great detail and sharp across the entire frame from corner to corner. All vertical line straightened. Resolution is 5938 x 3965.

Available in download pack.

Pink stone tile macro texture

Pink stone tile macro texture
Pink stone tile macro texture

Pink stone tile macro texture at 100%
Pink stone tile macro texture at 100%
Close macro shot of a pink patio stone tile in my back garden. Loads of detail everywhere to been seen, super sharp. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Grey metal pull down shutter texture

Grey metal pull down shutter texture
Grey metal pull down shutter texture
Grey metal pull down shutter texture at 100%
Grey metal pull down shutter texture at 100%
Super sharp texture detail in this metal gate. There is a lot of fine detail, dirty marks and general weathering on the metal. Texture has been straightened so the horizontal lines are straight. Resolution is 5991 x 4000.

Available in download pack.

Smooth blue painted stone stucco wall texture

Smooth blue painted stone stucco wall texture
Smooth blue painted stone stucco wall texture
Smooth blue painted stone stucco wall texture at 100%
Smooth blue painted stone stucco wall texture at 100%

Smooth blue painted stucco stone wall. A nice uniform sharpness across the entire frame. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Orange tinted plywood texture

Orange tinted plywood texture
Orange tinted plywood texture
Orange tinted plywood texture at 100%
Orange tinted plywood texture at 100%

Plywood board texture I came across on the street. It has a orange tint to it along with dark dirty marks on the wood. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

High resolution light brown wooden fence texture

High resolution light brown wooden fence texture
High resolution light brown wooden fence texture
High resolution light brown wooden fence texture at 100%
High resolution light brown wooden fence texture at 100%
Exquisite sharp detail from corner to corner in this wood fence texture. Resolution is 5985 x 3996.

Available in download pack.

Fat horizontal metal gate texture

Fat horizontal metal gate texture
Fat horizontal metal gate texture
Fat horizontal metal gate texture at 100%
Fat horizontal metal gate texture at 100%
Metal pull down shutter gate, grey in colour. Gate features thick horizontal bars. There is sharp detail across the entire frame. Resolution is 5991 x 4000.

Available in download pack.

Black painted metal pull down shutter texture

Black painted metal pull down shutter texture
Black painted metal pull down shutter texture

Black painted metal pull down shutter texture at 100%
Black painted metal pull down shutter texture at 100%
This interesting metal shutter I came across on a walk about. It is painted black and is worn down from the elements. There is nice detail across the entire frame. I rotated and cropped the image so the horizontal lines are level. Resolution is 5968 x 3985.

Available in download pack.

Blue painted concrete wall texture

Blue painted concrete wall texture
Blue painted concrete wall texture
Blue painted concrete wall. Up close details show many bubbles on the paint surface, super sharp from corner to corner. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Lightly green moulded brick wall texture

Lightly green moulded brick wall texture
Lightly green moulded brick wall texture
Extremely sharp detail captured in this brick texture. The brick has a slight green tint due to damp mould. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Rusted metal fence texture

Rusted metal fence texture
I came across this interesting looking metal fence with a nice rusted texture while on a walk about. It was photographed in direct sunlight. Nice sharp detail across the entire frame. Resolution is 5903 x 3941.

Available in download pack.

Pebblestone wall texture at a distance

Pebblestone wall texture at a distance
Pebblestone wall texture at a distance
Pebblestone wall shot at a distance to show more surface area of the textured surface. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Creamy white stucco plaster

Creamy white stucco plaster
Creamy white stucco plaster
Creamy stucco wall plaster, slightly creamy in colour. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Chipped white paint on wood texture

Chipped white paint on wood texture
Chipped white paint on wood texture
White paint peeling off some old wooden door. The door was quite narrow, I would have liked it to be wider so I could step back a bit more and capture a larger surface area. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Thick horizontal wooden planks texture

Thick horizontal wooden planks texture
Thick horizontal wooden planks texture
Textured photograph of thick wooden planks horizontally stacked on top of each other. The wood has an orange tint. Image taken in bright sunlight with no clouds. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Broken vertical wood fence texture

Broken vertical wood fence texture
Broken vertical wood fence texture
Nice looking detailed wooden fence, made from vertical columns of wood. Note one of the broken panels. There is also green moss setting on the wood. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

White pebblestone gritty wall texture

White pebblestone gritty wall texture
White pebblestone gritty wall texture
A pebblestone wall, mostly made from white stones stuck in grit. Sharp detail at full magnification. Resolution is 6024 X 4022.

Available in download pack.

Rotting wall plaster texture

Rotting wall plaster texture
Rotting wall plaster texture
This image is of rotting wall plaster. The texture on the surface is random with a multitude of colours which is pleasing to look at. The texture is very detailed. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Metal blue painted gate texture

Metal blue painted gate texture
Metal blue painted gate texture
Texture of a blue painted metal gate. The detail is incredibly sharp from corner to corner. Take note how straight the horizontal lines are. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Dirty white paper texture

Dirty white paper texture
Dirty white paper texture
Sharp detailed white paper with dirty marks. Photograph was taken on a bright sunny day, which helped to show the tiny speckles and dents of the surface texture. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Flat smooth plywood texture

Flat smooth plywood texture
Flat smooth plywood texture
Perfectly flat, smooth and even lighting across the entire image of this wooden plywood texture. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Flexible plastic yellow mat texture

Flexible plastic yellow mat texture
Flexible plastic yellow mat texture
This image is the reverse side of a kitchen floor mat. The original resolution was 6024 x 4022 but is now 5997 x 4004, because I straightened and slightly cropped the image so the vertical and horizontal lines of the texture line up perfectly.

Available in download pack.

White plaster wall with lumpy stucco

White plaster wall with lumpy stucco
White plaster wall with lumpy stucco
A plaster wall with a rough but smooth lumpy surface, in simple white. This texture's resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Cardboard vertical line texture

Cardboard vertical line texture
Cardboard vertical line texture
Standard brown cardboard texture with vertical crease lines, very sharp in detail. This texture's resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Flat plywood board texture

Flat plywood board texture
Flat plywood board texture
Found this plywood board stacked up against a wall in my garden. I photographed a close macro shot showing all the little chips of wood that make up plywood—very nice detail in this image. This texture's resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Light brown carpet texture

Light brown carpet texture
Light brown carpet texture
A flattened light brown carpet rug. Being flat enables the focal plane of the lens to capture even sharpness across the entire frame. This texture's resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Galvanised metal floor plate texture

Galvanised metal floor plate texture
Galvanised metal floor plate texture
Galvanised metal plate with raised diamond shapes. The top of the image is slightly darker than the bottom, because of a nearby fence casting shadow. The entire frame is super sharp image. This texture's resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Closeup texture of patio stone tile

Closeup texture of patio stone tile
Closeup texture of patio stone tile
A closeup texture of a patio stone tile, photographed in my back garden. The tile is made from tiny pebbles and small stones, which is evident when viewed at full magnification. This texture's resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.