Saturday 7 March 2020

Wood desk macro texture

Wood desk macro texture
Wood desk macro texture
100% zoom
100% zoom
This is a desk from work. I set my camera up onto a tripod and shot this close macro texture of a shiny wooden desk. Super sharp detail from each corner of the image. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Dirty blue fabric texture

Dirty blue fabric texture
Dirty blue fabric texture
100% zoom
100% zoom

This fabric is from a mouse pad. Clearly well used and full of dirt and stains. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Friday 6 March 2020

Wood from a door texture

Wood from a door texture
Wood from a door texture
100% zoom
100% zoom
This wood texture is off of a toilet door. Super sharp corner to corner. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Small concrete pebbles texture

Small concrete pebbles texture
Small concrete pebbles texture

100% zoom
100% zoom
Resolution 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Red basket weave texture

Red basket weave texture
Red basket weave texture
100% zoom
100% zoom

A red weave fabric. This photograph was taken from the bottom of the basket. It has a deep red colour. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Saturday 29 February 2020

Yellow plastic bag texture

Yellow plastic bag texture
Yellow plastic bag texture

100% zoom
100% zoom
This plastic texture is from a large Amazon courier bag. The more textures I photograph the more I realise that everything in this world has tiny hairs stuck to it. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Wood chips board texture

Wood chips board texture
Wood chips board texture

100% zoom
100% zoom
Wood board texture. This board was not perfectly flat, it had a bend in it. Therefore, the focal plane is not as crisp in the corners as it is in the centre. Still very sharp across the image. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Sunday 23 February 2020

Metal white paint texture

Metal white paint texture
Metal white paint texture
100% zoom
100% zoom

This metal texture is from a metal step ladder. I took this photograph from one of the steps on the ladder. Perfectly sharp corner to corner. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

White paint wall texture + seamless

White paint wall texture
White paint wall texture

100% zoom
100% zoom
Flat white painted wall texture. Sharp detail from corner to corner. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.

Monday 17 February 2020

Flat stucco white texture

Flat stucco white texture
Flat stucco white texture
100% zoom
100% zoom

A white interior wall. Painted white. Resolution is 6024 x 4022.

Available in download pack.